discovering skateboarding at 9 years old changed my life, gave me purpose, goals and a direction. For that I will be forever grateful. I shared my passion, teaching younger kids how to skate at the Crystal Palace ramp in the early 1980s. In the late 80s I continued to pass on my enthusiasm for skating, working at skate camps in the US alongside Bod Boyle and Lee Ralph together with visiting skaters including Jovontae Turner, Mike Carroll, Matt Hensley and many others.

Like so many new skaters, my first skateboard was not from a skateshop but a sporting goods store. Nevertheless that board was my ticket to connect with other skaters. The first visit to a genuine skate shop was an unforgettable gamechanger and had me hooked.

Today many globals sporting goods stores carry complete skateboards and most are poorly made, unrideable and dangerous. The poor experience that these boards offer turn many away from skateboarding before they’ve even had a chance to test their abilities on a board.

Focusing on improving the quality of all complete skateboards, is a key reason why Rolling Thunder Supply Co. started. We want to get more people skating all over the world.


Rolling Thunder was a famous UK indoor skatepark in West London during the late 1970s. The level of skateboarding talent that could be found there at the time was on a par with the leading Americans of the day. Regulars Marc Sinclair, Jeremy Henderson, John Sablosky, Robbie Hunter (my major influence), Jingles, Shabam, Jules Gayton, Neil Harding, Floater, Brian Murray and so many others, frequently blew minds.


We are focused on brands, past or present that have a rich history and that licensing % is going back to support the brands and the pros.


We support companies and people that are dedicated to growing inclusive skateboarding globally.

We proudly partner with organisations through product and financial contributions to help grow grass roots skateboarding around the world.


Skateboarding will be featured in the 2024 Olympics again. We at Rolling Thunder believe this could be another push for new skateboarders we want to make sure that a new riders first experience of a skateboard is as good as it can be.

Skateboarding and skateboards have been a defining positive force in my life. I hope that starting Rolling Thunder Supply Co. in order to focus on first-time customers and giving back to skating, becomes my most important contribution.

Steve Douglas – President – Rolling Thunder Supply